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What we do

At the Sai Korhale temple, there are numerous forms of Seva that are conducted throughout the year for pilgrims, people and animals that need medical help, water and nature conservation etc..


Annadaan & Jaldaan

We offer both food and water to all pilgrims and those in need. 

Medical Camps, First Aid & Blood Donation Drives

We conduct medical camps by inviting different specialist doctors at the premises. In addition we offer pad yatris first aid medical aid on their journey. We also conduct blood donation drives regularly. In addition we offer the community a full time ambulance service all year round.

Gau Seva

We have an inhouse cow shelter which houses both disabled and blind cows and they are treated with love and care.

Nature Conservation 

Our activities in this include planting of trees, providing troughs of water for animals large and small, food and water for the local bird population to prevent extinction. 

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